楠瀬克昌 / JAZZ KISSA 2015 - 2019
¥2,200 (Tax in)

楠瀬克昌 / JAZZ KISSA 2015 - 2019

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楠瀬克昌 / JAZZ KISSA 2015 - 2019

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楠瀬克昌 / JAZZ KISSA 2015 - 2019
¥2,200 (Tax in)

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LABEL:JAZZ CITY / 規格番号:978-4-9910492-7-9


2015年から2019年までの5年間に撮影した日本全国のジャズ喫茶、56軒を紹介する写真集。すでに閉店となった店も含む「2015-2019年のジャズ喫茶の記憶」。東日本のジャズ喫茶計136軒を紹介した『Jazz Kissa 2014〜2014年のジャズ喫茶』Vol.1、Vol.2の続編となる写真集。

A collection of photographs introducing 56 jazz kissa across Japan taken from 2015 to 2019. "Memories of jazz kissa in 2015-2019", including shops that have already closed. A photo book that is a sequel to "Jazz Kissa 2014" Vol.1 and Vol.2, which introduced a total of 136 jazz kissa in eastern Japan. This book is a photo book, so there are no text articles. The table of contents and store address in Japanese and English are posted.
BOOK > 楠瀬克昌 / JAZZ KISSA 2015 - 2019
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LABEL:JAZZ CITY / 規格番号:978-4-9910492-7-9


2015年から2019年までの5年間に撮影した日本全国のジャズ喫茶、56軒を紹介する写真集。すでに閉店となった店も含む「2015-2019年のジャズ喫茶の記憶」。東日本のジャズ喫茶計136軒を紹介した『Jazz Kissa 2014〜2014年のジャズ喫茶』Vol.1、Vol.2の続編となる写真集。

A collection of photographs introducing 56 jazz kissa across Japan taken from 2015 to 2019. "Memories of jazz kissa in 2015-2019", including shops that have already closed. A photo book that is a sequel to "Jazz Kissa 2014" Vol.1 and Vol.2, which introduced a total of 136 jazz kissa in eastern Japan. This book is a photo book, so there are no text articles. The table of contents and store address in Japanese and English are posted.